本人現就讀香港大學理學士(精算)課程, 現為大學二年級。 曾赴英國就讀4年, GCE A Level 考獲3A* 1A的成績, 獲 LSE offer。 時間,地點,價錢可議。 歡迎有意或有任何查詢, 有興趣請whatsapp:67622728

提供一系列平面設計服務包裝: 企業形象設計、Logo、‎卡片設計、‎信封信紙設計‬、宣傳單張、‎易拉架、‎banner‬ 、‎燈箱廣告、平面廣告、‎婚禮佈置、婚禮邀請卡、嘉年華背景、‎週年晚宴背景、展覽背景等等。價錢合理,設計精美的年青設計團隊!歡迎電郵報價。‬
設計 / 平面設計Hills production

Branding, Posters Editorial, logo design etc.

Min 3 years' experience in front-line customer service and operation preferred Proactive, initiate, self-driven and responsible Able to work independently under pressure Good communication and interpe
商業 / 金融投資及保險慧美公司

Requirements: Strong communication skills Relevant experience in marketing job would be an advantage Well-organized and good team player Responsible, mature, positive-attitude and hard-working
商業 / 金融投資及保險慧美公司

我們經過精挑細選漂亮和高質素的貨品予我們的顧客 更有一部份為我們自家的令令製品。

專業開啟家居及商業 ( 大門 / 鐵閘 / 房門 / 夾萬 / 電子鎖 ) 另設即日上門換鎖服務,為您提供一站式貼心服務 供應各國名廠鎖膽(Medeco/ Mul-T-Lock/ Cadman/ Yale/ Iseo)

200个起订,气球定制,专有logo,商业广告宣传 200pcs 10inch customized logo balloons birthday wedding party advertisement promotion

At Lime* we don’t just create great content, we strategize and plan to make sure your message is heard.
l商業 / 顧問limestudios

Marriage Proposal Planner in Hong Kong
a商業 / 節目及活動a1000times

Specialised Outdoor Retail and Online Store  

本人現就讀香港大學理學士學士(精算)課程, 現為大學二年級。 曾赴英國就讀4年, GCE A Level 考獲3 A*的成績, 獲LSE offer。 時間,地點,價錢可議。 歡迎有意或有任何查詢, 有興趣請whatsapp:92873438

Camila C. Ngan x W Philosophy 婚禮哲學 為您送上獨家甜蜜海外婚紗攝影旅程 只需港幣$9,999(原價:港幣$32,800)!
C結婚 / 海外婚禮Camila_P

Chandom brought along with his passion for decades, writing a new page of his career and high performance customised alloy wheels.

I am looking for the one to share my life and heart with. The one who will be my friend, my passionate lover, my most caring husband, and just the man I would not be able to live without! I want to tr
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